It was ten years ago this May that our founder Katy Simpson had a real ‘pinch me’ moment when Noble Isle launched in Liberty London and Fortnum & Mason. From idea conception to product launch had taken 17 months. Katy has since been named one of the 50 Most Influential People in British Luxury by Walpole and one of the six powerhouses to be named as ‘Tastemakers’ – Influencers with a great network who others look to for advice and inspiration. We caught up with Katy to find out more the last ten years, how she makes it work and what’s next for Noble Isle… What has been your proudest moment from the last ten years of Noble Isle? The best moments for me are when I read a customer review and one of our products has touched someone’s life, made a difference and has bought delight or joy to someone’s world. What do you wish you could go back and tell yourself when you were first starting out? Believe and it will happen. What do you most enjoy about your job? The creativity of making beautiful products; I love the entire creative process from an idea, through to creation and the product development process – then seeing it for the first time in a store. Your idea, that was in your head, has come to life and is physical – it is an exciting feeling. How do you unwind and switch off? Exercise and food! I love cooking creative menus for friends and family and am currently enjoying Ottolenghi’s cook book, “Simple”. To balance out all this eating, I exercise 4 times a week and my favourite exercise is running, which is very good for my mental health and wellbeing. You’ve travelled extensively throughout your career – what are your essentials to take with you on each trip?
  • Notebook and pencil, you never know when inspiration will strike.
  • Music to inspire.
  • Trainers for running and exploring new cities before or after work.
  • My favourite Missoni scarf, the smell reminds me of home.
What milestones stand out to you from the last 10 years? Noble Isle winning the Walpole Brands of Tomorrow Award in 2016 and in 2022 being named as one of the ‘50 Most Influential People in British Luxury’ by Walpole. Have there been any clouds that have turned out to have a silver lining along the way? An IFRA law changes meant a great deal of our fragrances needed to be reformulated by removing an ingredient and this allowed for the whole range to be changed to be natural, something I had wanted to do for years Whose support has been invaluable in building Noble Isle? Some of our long-standing partnerships with hotels and retailers who took a chance ten years ago on a small, unknown brand. We would not be where we are today without them. My family have been my mentors and helped me through the roller coaster of starting a business. What’s next for Noble Isle? Fine Fragrance – perfume… How would you like Noble Isle to be known? A great British brand – strong, grounded with integrity. Do you have a favourite Noble Isle fragrance? Willow Song, but I am creating a new fragrance called The Greenhouse – due to launch in September and it could be taking the lead! What inspired you to start Noble Isle? I wanted to create a truly British brand, sourcing ingredients from all the countries within the British Isles, highlighting and promoting British culture and heritage. Where do you get your inspiration for new collections? All my inspiration comes from mother nature and the landscape around me. When I walk my dogs or run through the countryside, watching the seasons change and nature coming to life year after year, Autumn harvest time, the riches the earth provides for us, and the colour combinations nature creates. I am in awe at her greatness and creativity. Click here to discover our limited edition 10 Year Anniversary gift packaging.



The finest whiskies in the world start with just two ingredients – barley and water. However, the making of a great whisky can’t be rushed. Our mission here at Noble Isle is to capture Britain in a Bottle and our Whisky & Water Collection took time to perfect. This warming and rich range contains malted barley from the famous Balvenie distillery in Scotland. Barley is known to calm the skin and also contains an abundance of proteins and B vitamins to help promote healthy skin. 

The 15th of May is World Whisky Day – an event that was celebrated by more than 25,000 people in 47 different countries around the world last year. So to mark the occasion, we wanted to share some facts with you about this revered spirit. 

1. There are lots of factors that contribute to the flavour of whisky but you can predict a whisky’s basic character from the shape of the pot still it’s made in. A pot still is the copper cauldron used to distil whisky. Taller, slimmer stills create smooth and mild whiskies whereas shorter stills produce a stronger, fuller flavour. 

2. A single malt whisky is produced by a single distillery but is usually made from a blend of different casks.

3. During the American Prohibition licensed doctors could prescribe medicinal liquor, which was usually whisky or brandy. An estimated 64 million pints of liquor were prescribed during the first year of Prohibition. The liquor was dispensed by pharmacies and in the period from 1920 to 1933 the Walgreen pharmacy chain grew from 20 to nearly 400 shops. 

4. Scotland exports around 42 bottles of whisky every second. With a population of 5.4 million and 20 million barrels of whisky stored in Scotland, there are almost four whisky casks for each Scot. 

5. If you laid these 20 million barrels end to end they would stretch for about 30,000 kilometres – or about six times the distance from Edinburgh to New York. 

6. The Gaelic for whisky is ‘uisge beatha’, which means ‘water of life’.

7. As whisky matures in barrels it gradually evaporates at a rate of around 2 per cent each year – this is known as the ‘angels’ share’. 

8. A whisky must have been produced in Scotland and matured for at least three years in a cask to be called Scotch. 

9. Distilled alcoholic beverages made from gluten grains are gluten-free because the distillation process removes gluten proteins. The average whisky measure contains just 64 calories – fewer than a banana. 

10. Rachel Barrie was the first female master whisky blender and her work has encouraged more women to join the industry.



At Noble Isle, we work with a variety of celebrated producers to source the extracts for our fragrant Bath & Body collections and multiple luxury hotels around the British Isles. We wanted to take the opportunity to give you Noble Isle’s Guide to the UK, by asking the people who know the area best, where the hidden gems of the region are.

This month we contacted The Wilderness Reserve in Suffolk, a luxury collection of manors, farmhouses and cottages in the Suffolk countryside. The Wilderness Reserve is located near to Lavenham Walk, where we source Water Lily and Willow Bark for our Willow Song collection.

Q1. The Wilderness Reserve is such a unique collection of manors, farmhouses and cottages, can you tell us a little more about it and its history?

The regeneration of the Wilderness estate began around 20 years ago using historic Capability Brown plans under the watchful eye of renowned landscape designer Kim Wilkie. Now the estate is a idyll pocket of Suffolk countryside with the traditional Cartshed, Farmhouse, Barn, Walled Garden, Orangery and Manor, Sibton Park, beautifully restored by local artisans to their former glory and more, offering a luxurious staycation featuring roll top baths, Hypnos beds, hot tubs, and acres of parkland to explore on our Pashley cycles. The Wilderness estate is a labour of love, and the conservation of the land and wildlife is at the heart of the Wilderness ethos with the estate heated by sustainable energy and local produce used where possible.

Q2. The Willow Song range uses natural extracts from Suffolk, do you enjoy having a product which promotes the local area?

Lavenham is a beautiful area of Suffolk, and it’s really exciting for us that we are able to offer a product to our guests which is sourced locally.

Q3. If we were to spend 24 hours in Suffolk, where would be your top suggestions?

It wouldn’t be right to spend 24 hours in Suffolk without going for a walk along Southwold beach before a leisurely late lunch at Sole Bay Fish Company – it has the best fresh seafood in Suffolk, caught that same day! Or we’d maybe head to Aldeburgh to pick up some fresh bread and cheese from the local artisan delis – we always pop in to say hi to Claire and Nico at Slate Cheese – before heading home to put our feet up by the fire in our Wilderness home. In the morning, we always suggest our guests take a short walk from Wilderness to the wonderful Darsham Nurseries for one of the best brunches Suffolk has to offer.

Q4. Where would you take your mother on Mother’s Day in Suffolk?

For the outdoor loving mothers head to Aldeburgh Beach for a picturesque beach walk, or for the tipple lovers make your own gin at the Adnams distillery before watching the sunset from Southwold Pier. There’s so much to do in Suffolk, but the ultimate treat would really be taking a Wilderness property with a chef for the weekend so she can truly put her feet up!

Q5. Are there any local delicacies we should try?

Pump Street Bakery chocolate is a must! The Sourdough and Sea Salt is our favourite.

Q6. Which if our fragrances would you choose as the perfect Mother’s Day gift?

The Willow Song collection.



At Noble Isle we are strong believers in the joys of bathing – and our luxury Bath & Shower Gel collections are designed to make this pleasurable experience into a glorious sensation for the senses. But did you know that taking a bath has health benefits too? Read on to find out more…



We all know that immersing our bodies in warm water feels good, but research indicates that the beneficial effects of a warm bath on our mental wellbeing last long after we have emerged into the world. Immersion in warm water recalls our time in the womb, making us feel safe and comforted therefore allowing our brains to relax and senses to be calmed. The complete escape a bath provides from our everyday activity also encourages our minds to reset, wiping worries away and often allowing new creative solutions to emerge. Try our Willow Song Luxury Bath & Shower Gel, with extracts of willow bark and water lily, for a serene and soothing fragrance that will transport you to the new promise of a spring morning.



Our body temperature naturally drops as we get tired, encouraging the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Taking a bath artificially warms our body – but when we climb out, we experience a rapid drop in temperature that fools our bodies into thinking we are preparing for slumber. For a good night’s sleep, it’s recommended that you take a bath within an hour of bedtime. And of course, the bath will also have relaxed you, making sleep easier to come by. For a warming, sensual bathing experience, try our spicy Fireside Luxury Bath & Shower Gel with its blend of cinnamon, cypress oil and vanilla.



It’s well known that a warm bath can relieve aches and pains caused by exercise. This is because heat increases the blood circulation and so the elasticity of our connective tissue, helping sore, tight muscles to stretch and relax. Heat also increases our metabolic rate, which in turn boosts recovery. If you want to do more than just soak up the benefits, try some gentle stretching in the bath – the resistance of the water will increase the workout while its buoyancy safely supports your limbs.



The steam from a hot bath penetrates and helps to clear any blockages in your sinuses and chest, so breathe deeply – and take time to enjoy whatever fragrance you have chosen to enhance the experience. In addition, the warm water makes your heart beat faster, increasing the amount of oxygen your lungs can take in. So a hot bath is the perfect remedy to soothe the symptoms of cold or flu, as well as relieving headaches. Why not try adding our invigorating, cleansing Rhubarb Rhubarb! Luxury Bath & Shower Gel, with notes of juniper and rosemary, to the mix?



The heat of a bath induces better blood flow and circulation by encouraging the blood vessels to dilate, so a warm bath can help to lower high blood pressure – as well as reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, both of which have a positive impact. The heat also makes your heart beat faster, providing the equivalent of a mini work-out! Some research even indicates that a bath can be a good way of burning up calories – though most medics agree that it is better to exercise first, bathe later.



The human body is largely made up of water – and as well as drinking it, hydrating through bathing can have huge benefits, especially in healing dry or irritated skin. Exposure to hot water also opens the pores, allowing trapped dirt to escape and the skin to be thoroughly cleansed even without the addition of soap. Our Whisky & Water Luxury Bath & Shower Gel has been specially formulated to calm the skin – or for a truly immersive experience, our Golden Harvest Luxury Bubble Bath & Shower Gel cleanses, relaxes and adds a touch of indulgence to any bathing experience.



Strangford Lough is a large sea loch in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is the largest inlet in the British Isles, almost totally enclosed by the Ards Peninsula and heads out to the mouth of the Irish Sea.  The lough contains seventy islands along with many bays, coves, headlands and vast mudflats which provides a diverse ecosystem for wildlife and marine flora, recognised internationally for its great importance. Strangford Lough was designated as Northern Ireland’s first Marine Conservation Zone and is one of only three designated Marine Nature Reserves in the United Kingdom.

Strangford Lough is packed full of history, dating back thousands of years. Ancient communities would have lived on the abundant natural resources of the lough and its surrounding areas. The early inhabitants would have lived on a rich diet of fish, oysters, cockles, mussels and shellfish, seaweed, kelp and samphire.

As well as being rich in natural nature reserves and history, it’s also linked to our own heritage – Katy Simpson, Founder and Director of Noble Isle was born in the area. A picturesque National Trust heritage site, with landscapes that can be admired for miles. We wanted a coastal story from Northern Ireland to complement the rest of our range and when we saw all that Strangford Lough had to offer, we knew this would be the basis of our new collection.

We scoured the area for an extract supplier that would enhance our story and came across the Peninsula Kelp Company, who lease a section of seabed from the crown estate located on the eastern shores of Strangford Lough. Graham and his family explained to us that Strangford Lough is one of the most richly bio-diverse regions in Europe and that they are passionate about protecting the marine environment and sustainability. This struck a chord with our team as sustainability and protecting the beautiful world we live in are of paramount importance to all of us at Noble Isle.

Graham supplies us with Samphire and Sea Oak with all products harvested by hand and the areas of seabed are rotated to ensure continuing growth and that the marine environment is not adversely impacted.

Both Sea Oak and Samphire are rich in vitamins and minerals promoting healthy, bright skin. Sea Oak is a form of kelp that has long been celebrated for its soothing effects on the skin, thanks to its abundance of minerals including iodine, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Samphire is a mineral rich coastal plant often found on rocks and crevices by the sea.

Our new Wild Samphire Hand Care Collection comes in a Hand Sanitiser, Hand Wash and Hand Lotion.



Today marks a very important day in the 2018 Noble Isle calendar, as it is the official launch of Tea Rose, Chelsea Green London. This charming and pure fragrance, is our first London collection and takes inspiration from the decadence that afternoon tea in the grand Art Deco London hotels holds.

Read our interview with Katy Simpson, Founder & Director of Noble Isle on her inspiration for this elegant collection and hear from Rosebie Morton, Founder of The Real Flower company – where the quintessentially British roses for this collection are sourced.

Firstly, let’s hear from Katy Simpson.

How did you come up with the idea for Tea Rose?

When I first started to work in London, one of my favourite past times was having a aperitives in the grand Art Deco Hotels in the West end – The Savoy, Claridge’s, The Berkeley. Occasionally, we would treat ourselves to afternoon tea for the “full works” of finger cut sandwiches, scones and clotted cream and a dainty cup of English breakfast tea served in a fine bone china tea cup. There was something so glamorous and elegant about these grand hotels and their stylish interior decoration that made you want to stay forever. These iconic London hotels have taken the ritual of afternoon tea and elevated it to the point of pure poetry and has been the inspiration behind the fragrance of Tea Rose.

Can you explain the fragrance and what it means to you?

The Tea Rose fragrance possesses a complex blend of ingredients which result in a pure and delicate aroma. Combining two opposite but complimentary main notes the fragrance is simply a delight for the senses.

It is a fine balance of fresh rose petals, jasmine and green leaves which is pure and delicate, but these fresh notes are then grounded, turned earthy, due to the black tea and sage scents, making Tea Rose complex and sophisticated.

Tea Rose incorporates black tea from London and Pure Poetry roses, sourced from The Real Flower Company. Just like all our collections, Tea Rose has been created as a fine fragrance with different layers known as top, heart and base notes. Due to their composition, each note will wear off with time, revealing the notes below them.

Top Notes: Bergamot and Green Leaves
Heart Notes: Black Tea, Rose and Jasmine
Base Notes: Clary Sage and Musk

For Tea Rose, these notes work together to create a floral, musky and sophisticated fragrance, reminiscent of the refined, lustre of the grand London hotels which housed many wonderful memories for me.

How did you find your partner for Tea Rose?

As for all our partners, I wanted to find a company which embodies the same core, values and synergy that we have at Noble Isle. I met Rosebie, from The Real Flower Company last year and she invited me to her beautiful farm in Hampshire. Seeing first-hand the rows beyond rows of cultivated roses, nestled in the rolling hills of Hampshire and listening to Rosebie with all her knowledge and passion, explain all the subtleties of hue and scent about the different breeds, I just knew that The Real Flower Company was the perfect partner for Noble Isle.

Will there be any extensions to the Tea Rose collection?

We have had so much positive feedback about this unique fragrance from team members, to friends, buyers and hoteliers, I knew the fragrance was going to touch people senses. Combined with a fascinating provenance story from The Real Flower Company and taking inspiration from iconic London hotels, the fragrance has broad appeal cross different product types. Therefore, in September we will launch a Bubble Bath & Shower Gel and Body Cream and also hotel amenities. We really hope you fall in love with our Tea Rose collection as much as we have.

Of course, we had to ask Rosebie Morton of The Real Flower Company about how she felt about her roses being used in our first London collection, Tea Rose.

What makes roses so special?

English roses sum up the best of a British garden, a good rose is in a class of its own with a perfume which captures all that is romantic and memorable.

How do you feel about your rose petals being used in Bath & Body products?

I am delighted that our petals are being used in Noble Isle’s Tea Rose collection as I know that Noble Isle will truly interpret the essence of a beautiful rose.

How did you go about finding the perfect rose for Tea Rose?

Roses are like wines in that each is so different – Pure Poetry just had that classic tea rose scent which I felt would be perfect for Noble Isle’s Tea Rose Collection.

Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoy our new collection!



Great fragrances are glamorous, sensual, elegant and enchanting. They awaken special memories and inspire our daydreams. This highly specialised area is without doubt, a key pillar of our products, be it our Shower Gels, Hand Lotions, Shampoos or Candles.

Developing outstanding fragrances demands exceptional levels of expertise and excellence. Formulating with the most exclusive and exquisite fragrance molecules and natural ingredient our aim is to create unique scents that are evocative, individual and memorable, awakening special memories.

All our fragrances are highly complex and develop and evolve with time. For example the fragrance of Perry Pear Shampoo and Conditioner, is of rich orchard fruits blended with floral blossoms (composed of geranium, jasmine and rose) and enriched with patchouli, votive, sandalwood and amber. This gives an overall fruity woody aroma. The fragrance can be broken down into three parts:

1. The top notes: This scent is perceived immediately on application or from the bottle. They have a fresh, immediately apparent quality that is intense, but fleeting – bergamot, lemon, orange blossom and green grass.

2. The middle (or heart) notes: The scent that emerges just prior to when the top notes dissipate from the “heart” or main body of a perfume They are strong, lasting and potent – rose, geranium, jasmine, violet, peach and pear.

3. The Base notes: The scent that appears close to the departure of the middle notes. Their rich, heavy scents emerge slowly and linger. The base and middle notes together are the main theme of a perfume: cedarwood, sandalwood, patchouli, tonka bean and musk.

The next time you wash your hair with our Perry Pear Shampoo and Conditioner see how many of our wonderful scents you can pick out.



Noble Isle launched in 2012 and although we have progressed and grown at a rapid pace, we are still a small, niche, British company. Every day we strive to make sure our products are unique – telling an interesting story of a local producer to really offer something different to our customers. We thrive on the positive feedback we hear from so many of you who take the time out of your day to send us such lovely messages about what Noble Isle fragrances means to you. When we started Noble Isle our main business came from boutique retailers around the UK and that enabled us to grow into other areas. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the fabulous and quaint British High Street so we will always encourage our customers to #ShopSmall.

We wanted to ask Katy Simpson, our founder, a few questions about Noble Isle.


Before I founded Noble Isle in 2011, I was working in the luxury beauty industry with a large British cosmetic house where I was heading up the Product Development team for 8 years. However, for the first 5 years of my career I was working in the fashion industry as a buyer.

I left the corporate Beauty world in 2008 and set up a Croatian Spa brand with 4 ex colleagues from a previous job, it was my learning ground on creating a brand from scratch. We made some mistakes along the way but you learn fast and will not repeat them. After this project, I knew I was ready to start something new – Noble Isle. I had a real passion to create a British brand.


We launched with Fortnum & Mason in 2012, closely followed by Liberty. These two retailers are so special and unique, not only within the British Isles, but also around the world, it enabled us to secure lots of other boutiques nestled within the Isles. At Noble Isle we are very proud of our partners, as we truly feel that we have some of the best retailers in the world on our books.


You need to have thick skin and be resilient. One gets a lot of knock backs during the first few years while you make your brand present in the market place. I believed in Noble Isle 100% and knew we would find our core customer out there. You must pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on!

Regular exercise helps stress levels and keeps a clear head. Booking a holiday – although I must work while on holiday, being in a new environment helps gain perspective and clarity.


We promote farmers, charities, conservationists – people doing exceptional things in our country. Each producer is incredibly passionate about their ingredient. The most important factor when making our products is that we use British extracts from local celebrated producers from the British Isles, we highlight local stories from exceptional people throughout the country working on amazing projects. Perry Pear from Gloucestershire Orchards, Barley from the Balvenie distillery, Beetroot from Monmouthshire, Elderflower from Cornwall, Samphire from the Irish coastline and Willow Song from Suffolk – to name just a few!


We have noticed a resurgence in home fragrance and this year we will be relaunching our current home fragrance range as well as expanding some of our other famous fragrances into this collection. 2019 will also see the launch of a new range of Christmas boxes as well as hard soaps.


Kings Road London, Old Amersham and Woodstock Oxfordshire.



Fragrance is so important as it has the power to take you back to a moment, memory or place in time.

It is not unusual for people to associate a scent with an individual and this is also very common practice in the home – so you need to make sure it is the perfect fragrance!


The Noble Isle Home Fragrance range comes in a variety of scents from bittersweet and fresh Rhubarb Rhubarb! to a warm and spicy Fireside.

The fresh, bittersweet Rhubarb Rhubarb! scent works really well for the kitchen, filling it with uplifting, summer scents and creating a refreshed and comfortable atmosphere. The Golden Harvest collection is fresh and fruity and also works very well to create that fresh, clean feeling.

The Willow Song Collection contains floral and musk notes which are ideal for a relaxing, soothing ambiance in the bedroom.

Whisky & Water and Fireside are warm, spicy fragrances, ideal for creating that warm, cosy feeling in the living room.

The new Lightning Oak Candle is soft and soothing and works perfectly when having a relaxing bath.

Fragrance is very personal and varies on individual preference and the time of year, why not try some out and let us know which ones you chose?


People often ask us which is better, a diffuser or a candle?

The Noble Isle Fine Fragrance Reed Diffusers last between 4 and 5 months. They continuously release an evocative aroma into the home, and when you start to notice that a drop in fragrance, simply turn the reeds.

Reed Diffusers are perfect for continuously scenting a room, particularly in rooms such as bathrooms or kitchens, where candles aren’t very practical. You can put different fragrant reed diffusers in each room to create different atmospheres.

The Noble Isle Fine Fragrance Single-Wick Candles last up to 40 hours burn time, with our 3-Wick Candle lasting over 100 hours. Light your candle and after about twenty minutes you will notice a molten pool of wax and a nice, strong fragrance. As our candles are created with a perfume, the fragrance will fill the room and last up to four hours.

Candles are good for creating a relaxing atmosphere and if you like lots of different fragrances, you can switch them around different rooms at different times of year.



Fragrance has the power to take you back to a moment, memory or place in time. It can relax you, invigorate you, put you to sleep after a long-hard day. During this unsettling period of uncertain and worry, try to take one night per week to calm and rebalance the mind, body and soul. After work or the daily chores, exercise, stretch and take deep breathes to release positive endorphins. Try doing spa treatments at home to take time to care of yourself; scrubs, hair masks, manicures, pedicures etc. After the spa treatments, light candles, make a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine and read for an hour or something you personally find very relaxing. This self “TLC” will calm you throughout the week.



Willow Song, containing extracts of Water Lily and Willow Bark from Lavenham in Suffolk.

Fragrance Notes

Top notes: Rose Petal, Ivy
Heart notes: Watermelon, Lily of the Valley
Base notes: Cedarwood, Musk

Let the soft, poetic, whimsical scents of spring diffuse through your rooms, releasing harmonious floral scents of rose petal and ivy, inducing a relaxing ambience to unwind.

Available in a Bath & Shower GelBody CreamBody ScrubFine Fragrance Candle and Reed Diffuser.


Tea Rose, containing extracts of Rose Petal from The Real Flower Company and Black Tea from Jing Tea, London.

Fragrance Notes

Top notes: Bergamot and Green Leaves
Heart Notes: Black Tea, Rose and Jasmine
Base Notes: Clary Sage and Musk

A pure and charming scent, with all the grace and finesse of a London afternoon tea, steeped in soothing black tea leaves and English rose petals, and blended with refreshing notes of jasmine and crisp clary sage.

Available in a Hand Wash, Hand Lotion, Bubble Bath & Shower Gel, Body Cream and soon to be launching, Fine Fragrance Candle.


Whisky & Water, containing extract of Malted Barley from Dufftown Distilleries, Scotland.

Fragrance Notes

Top notes: Rose, Davana Blossom
Heart notes: Jasmine, Orange Blossom
Base notes: Tonka Bean, Amber

A liquid gold redolent of the finest oak-aged single malt with warm vanilla and cedarwood on the nose and skin-calming extract of Scottish malted barley.

Available in a Hand WashHand LotionFine Fragrance Candle and Reed Diffuser.


Lightning Oak, containing extract of Oak Bark from The Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.

Fragrance Notes

Top Notes: Bergamot, grapefruit
Heart Notes: Cardamom, clove bud
Base Notes: Vetiver, sandalwood

Creates an enduring, handsome fragrance balancing smoky wood aromas with modern notes of crushed pink pepper and bergamot – fresh, smoky and warm. The fragrance begins with the freshness of bitter citrus and fresh spices, then reveals the main note – vetiver, which results in an elegant, distinguished, modern classic that intoxicates the senses.

Available in a Fine Fragrance Candle.


Fragrance is very personal and varies on individual preference and the time of year, why not try some out and let us know which ones you chose?

If you are looking to continuously fill your room with the evocative scents of the British Isles then why not look at our Home Fragrance collection? We have six of our signature scents available as candles and reed diffusers with a seventh launching in the next few weeks.

One of the questions people often ask us is: Should I purchase a diffuser or a candle?

The Noble Isle Fine Fragrance Reed Diffusers last between 4 and 5 months. They continuously release an evocative aroma into the home, and when you start to notice that a drop in fragrance, simply turn the reeds.

Reed Diffusers are perfect for continuously scenting a room, particularly in rooms such as bathrooms or kitchens, where candles aren’t very practical. You can put different fragrant reed diffusers in each room to create different atmospheres.

The Noble Isle Fine Fragrance Single-Wick Candles last up to 40 hours burn time, with our 3-Wick Candle lasting over 100 hours. Light your candle and after about twenty minutes you will notice a molten pool of wax and a nice, strong fragrance. As our candles are created with a perfume, the fragrance will fill the room and last up to four hours.

Candles are good for creating a relaxing atmosphere and if you like lots of different fragrances, you can switch them around different rooms at different times of year.